Thursday, October 25, 2012


It's obviously hard to anticipate all of the things that will challenge us while we're trying to challenge ourselves to greatness. I anticipated things like laziness (let's just be honest!) and bad influences, but I didn't anticipate a crazy work schedule! Tuesday all hell broke loose at work, and I left in tears and completely overwhelmed. I went home, sat with my pups for about 30 minutes, and was in bed by 7pm. Wednesday (yesterday) I worked from 415am to 745pm. I went home and fell into bed so I could be back at work by 5am today. Needless to say, this schedule doesn't leave room for things like eating and exercising. So, I'm drinking my Shakeology and hoping that this weekend and next week will be better. I try to live by no excuses, but sometimes, there truly isn't enough time or energy left in a day. It doesn't mean you give up though, it means you try again tomorrow!!
In other news, my Beachbody Challenge starts MONDAY! Have you signed up yet and ordered your challenge pack? It's not too late!!! Let's all be strong and healthy on Christmas morning!!!

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